Grab Your Edge Control

Earlier this year, I scheduled a photoshoot for Higher Calling’s website, which required preparing for hair and makeup appointments, as well as outfit changes. Typically when undertaking a task with many moving parts, I create a to-do checklist to keep me organized. As I prepared to leave my home for my first appointment with all of my bags in tow, the Holy Spirit whispered “Grab your edge control” and I heard it very clearly. It was a weird command to me, as I had just gotten my hair pressed the day before, and my stylist does a great job of making sure my edges are laid. Instead of halting my current tasks and being immediately obedient, I continued to get ready and internally decided I would grab it before leaving. 

As you may have guessed, I forgot to grab the jar before leaving, and thus chose poorly.

While getting my makeup done, the makeup artist got some makeup on my edges, which she had to clean off with a bit of remover solution. If you know anything about Black natural hair that has been pressed, you know that contact with moisture can lead to reversion. Fortunately for me, she only had to wipe the makeup off of my edges, and I could avoid poofy edges by applying more edge control. Unfortunately for me, I did not heed the voice of the Holy Spirit earlier that day. By the time my makeup appointment concluded, I did not have time to purchase more edge control and was resigned to rush to the photoshoot as my edges began to revert.

Once I arrived at the photoshoot location and began to change outfits, I noticed that the photographer had a jar of edge control present. In that moment, I was very thankful that she was also a Black woman with a resource I needed, and ultimately allowed me to use. I was also disappointed that I took the Holy Spirit’s instruction for granted and missed an opportunity to be blessed by Him. Upon reflecting on my poor decision making/disobedience, this experience confirmed what I already knew, which is that The Holy Spirit is invaluable. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit is your Welcome Gift. He is described by Jesus as a Comforter and Advocate (John 14:26) who walks alongside us forever (John 14:16), and leads and guides us into all truth (John 16:13). In Romans 8, which is a powerhouse chapter, Paul informs the Believers in Rome that the Holy Spirit helps us when we are weak by praying fervently for us (v.26).  Because He is our forever companion, He deeply cares about our proclivities. He cares about the things that we care about, even the things we deem “too small” to bring before Him. He cares about every single hair on our heads, and knows how many there are (Luke 12:7). He even cares about my edges for a photoshoot because He knows that I care. He desires to do a million little miracles in our lives, but that requires that we seek His ever-present voice and follow His instructions in faith, for they are more valuable than anything this world has to offer.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, you are a gift and I am so grateful that You have made your home within me. I welcome You, and give You permission to lead and guide me into all truth. I repent of all the times that I have taken Your precious voice for granted and disobeyed your instruction. Please help me to hear You more clearly, and to be obedient to You. Thank You for being my Counselor and Companion, and for interceding on my behalf.                                                                                                       


In Jesus’s Name, Amen


Producing Out of Season


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